Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Story So Far, The" by Earsauce (Accoustic Artist)

The excellent Folk CD, "Story So Far, The," by Earsauce, is overflowing with beautiful songs that will seep gently into your soul. The talented duo, Evan Valentine and Steve Bower, really know how to comprise an album of well crafted music. Each song has a different groove and one can't help but sit back and enjoy these delight songs. Opening up the album the song, "Beyond a Broken Dream," is sweet and delicate in style as the percussive drums keep a rhythmic beat while the soothing melody calms your inner being. Another song, "Sultans of Salad," offers charming lyrics, sweet vocals, and a fun bouncy rhythm. "Criterion," is another track that ignites with a rich musical complexity. Changing up the musical style, "Where's My Lime?," has a mellow, kick back and relax tonality. If you are searching for an album that has a terrific mix of relaxing music, then you will truly enjoy the wonderful songs on the marvelous album, "Story So Far, The."

-Diane and the Reviewer Team
Check out earsauce's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites