Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Ain't No Turning Back" by Pete Searby

  Wow - "Ain't No Turning Back" took us on an awesome roots rock journey. All aspects of this CD are impressive. Pete's songwriting takes us to various destinations using visual and thought-provoking lyrics and memorable, hook-filled tracks. The songs are of several different genres and performed with many different instruments centered around intricate acoustic guitar work, and including sax, harmonica, and less typical instruments for rock music. All of the instruments are masterfully performed and well-blended with the rest of the music to complement the songwriting. The songs range from rock to blues to almost everything in between. From the modern folk ballad "Fair Marie," to the memorable up-tempo, "Cannonball," to the bluesy "Somebody's Knockin'," the songs are enjoyable. If you enjoy American music, you will enjoy this CD. Pick up a copy today!
  - Review by RadioIndy staff